Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Idyllic sunrise

When the mist fall down slowly and the sun was emerging over a cloud. It was perfect atmosphere to begin climbing mountain. An angelic voice was singing to me that sounds like a poetry. Birds chirping around made me forgetting the weight of my carrier. Dancing shadow of the tree, dancing lights on the leaves gave meaning to the earth.

Located in the center of java island, Slamet mountain divided this island into four pieces. It was my first mountaineering to climb second highest mountain in java island.
The sun opened my sore eyes and it emerged from the melancholy horizon, softly turn the universe into magnificent view called morning. Seeing northern sea on your left side and southern sea on your right side is the best combination to soar your imagination.

Ocean of cloud condensed gradually through its saturation point to be one of the stunning scene on the live drama, a stair to heaven.  

In the end of an idyllic sunrise was the serene feeling because it was so quiet. You began to realize that in that moment it’s just you, the sunrise and the universe.

Written by : kisma

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