Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Agustinus Mitro Wiharjo - 1940

Agustinus Mitro Wiharjo was born in Klaten, on December 31, 1940. He was and is a great farmer, father, and grandfather. He is always a warm, wise, and talkactive person. He always becomes a rolemodel  in his village like the elder on there.
He graduated from his junior high school and didn’t continue to senior high school, because he became the head of the family and sent his younger brother to school. From that day, he became a real farmer too.
He got married in 1967. At that time, he paid for his family lives and his younger brother that is still a university student at Gajah Mada University. He was not moan about his lifes. He and his wife always works hard in the field from dawn until afternoon then afternoon until evening. He was planting vegetables and rice. He joined a group of farmers. He got the benefits from joining that group, for example : distribution of fertilizer more easy, pest eradication, and socialization about agriculture.
He has four children. Actually, he had five children, but his last daughter had accident. He made his younger brother graduated and now become a successful person, also he made all his children graduate from university and become a successful person too. That could happen, eventhough he is a farmer.

I admire him because he never gives up with his life and always tries more. (Article by Anggi)

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