Selasa, 07 Juni 2016


In Gunung Kidul there are so many beach can be visited. One of them is Wediombo beach. Wediombo beach has white sand. Wediomobo known as the beach has where a lo of people who can fishing from the top of the rock. In addition, Wediombo beach also have a laguna that is often used as a natural swimming pool by visitors. The location of laguna is on the coast and separated by rocks.
In the Java language, wedi means sand and ombo means wide. So, the meaning the name of the beach is wide sand. However the beach actually is not very wide area.
However this beach stil has a charm that makes it one of the most wanted beach in Gunung Kidul. One of the main attraction of this beach is rocks can used for fishing and the laguna.
To reach the Wediombo beach is very easy. The route is from the city of Yogyakarta, is almost the same route to the beach at Gunung Kidul. From Yogyakarta city traveler direct to wonosari street. Than got ot the city of Wonosari. From Wonosari city the trip continue until through market wonosari. T junction after the market take a right toward, take the road to baron beach. After 10 km from the T junction we can find a T junction that indicates the direction to WediOmbo beach. Just follow the insrtuction.
Although Wediombo beach is not crowded like the others beach in Gunung Kidul for example Indrayanti and Sundak, but the facilities is also quite complete.Pryaing room, bathroom, market, all are available in Wediombo beach.

Source :

Writen by : Arif D.S

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