Selasa, 07 Juni 2016


In Gunung Kidul there are so many beach can be visited. One of them is Wediombo beach. Wediombo beach has white sand. Wediomobo known as the beach has where a lo of people who can fishing from the top of the rock. In addition, Wediombo beach also have a laguna that is often used as a natural swimming pool by visitors. The location of laguna is on the coast and separated by rocks.
In the Java language, wedi means sand and ombo means wide. So, the meaning the name of the beach is wide sand. However the beach actually is not very wide area.
However this beach stil has a charm that makes it one of the most wanted beach in Gunung Kidul. One of the main attraction of this beach is rocks can used for fishing and the laguna.
To reach the Wediombo beach is very easy. The route is from the city of Yogyakarta, is almost the same route to the beach at Gunung Kidul. From Yogyakarta city traveler direct to wonosari street. Than got ot the city of Wonosari. From Wonosari city the trip continue until through market wonosari. T junction after the market take a right toward, take the road to baron beach. After 10 km from the T junction we can find a T junction that indicates the direction to WediOmbo beach. Just follow the insrtuction.
Although Wediombo beach is not crowded like the others beach in Gunung Kidul for example Indrayanti and Sundak, but the facilities is also quite complete.Pryaing room, bathroom, market, all are available in Wediombo beach.

Source :

Writen by : Arif D.S


Do you know bakpia ? Yes, food icon of Yogyakarta. These food are made from wheat flour baked with content of green beans are mixed with sugar. One type famous bakpia in Yogyakarta is Bakphia Pathuk or Bakpia Pathok. Bakpia is from dialek Hokkian with the original name is Tou Luk Pia, it’s means cake or bread that contain meat. In Indonesia, this food is known as the pia or pia cake.
          Bakpia was adopted from from Chinese special food if we viewed from the history, but with development of bakpia adapted to the cultur of Indonesia  like replace it with green beans. And now so many taste of bakpia for example cheese, chocolate and many more.
          Long time ago, Yogyakarta citizens is majority Muslim change the contain of bakpia, from the pork into green beans. And at the time they did’nt know he trademark so that products unti now is labeled from khouse number manufacturer like nuber 25, number 75, and others. That is the reason why the names of trademark is Bakpia Pathuk 75, and many more.
          But, not only the citizens of Pathuk who produce bakpia. In 1970, there was a man named Nitigurnito who works as a manufacturer bakpia in Tamansari. He made bakpia different with Pathuk citizens, he made bakpia with deeper skin layesr thick and white, and the middle part is brown because the result of the grill. While Bakpia Pathuk has a crunchy texture to the skin is thinner.
          It’s little the history of iconic Yogyakarta food called Bakpia.

Source :

Writen by : Arif D.S

Mrs. Sri 23 July 1970 Till Now

Sri Wedari was born in Sleman in the Yogyakarta province on July 23, 1970. She was a simple , very nice and exciting person. She was a hardworking person too. It’s inspiriy for me. In 1990, she worked at a garment company, but unfortunately she was fired by bos. Because of monetary crisis. Absolute ly she felt sad, but her spirit could attack her feeling of sad. So she started business. She opened a small restaurant or in Indonesia called ‘Warteg’.
In the first time she opened the small restaurant is very difficult because she didn’t have many money as financial capital to open the small resaturant. By the way, Mrs. Sri graduated from culinary study , so she could cook and her food tasted delicious. Back o the financial capital. She gets financial capital loan from her uncle. And she worked alone in her small restaurant.
Day by day she opened the small restaurant from the her small restaurant buyer but she never surendered until her small restaurant famous and many people ate to her small restaurant. Finally she gets sam adventage and keep the pot boiling in her family until now.

She is inspiriy because she is industrious and hardwoeker person.

Writen by : Arif D.S

Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Idyllic sunrise

When the mist fall down slowly and the sun was emerging over a cloud. It was perfect atmosphere to begin climbing mountain. An angelic voice was singing to me that sounds like a poetry. Birds chirping around made me forgetting the weight of my carrier. Dancing shadow of the tree, dancing lights on the leaves gave meaning to the earth.

Located in the center of java island, Slamet mountain divided this island into four pieces. It was my first mountaineering to climb second highest mountain in java island.
The sun opened my sore eyes and it emerged from the melancholy horizon, softly turn the universe into magnificent view called morning. Seeing northern sea on your left side and southern sea on your right side is the best combination to soar your imagination.

Ocean of cloud condensed gradually through its saturation point to be one of the stunning scene on the live drama, a stair to heaven.  

In the end of an idyllic sunrise was the serene feeling because it was so quiet. You began to realize that in that moment it’s just you, the sunrise and the universe.

Written by : kisma

She is a rainbow over the rain

Last month, on a gloomy day, I peered out over the balcony. My eyes took in the dark colors squeezing through clouds. The scent of the rain hung in the air as I watched the sky darken. The gloom of the cold day crawled into me like the damp into bare timber. Even I heard the bird song came to me as if from a deep well rather than from high in the trees. Then, from under the steady blanket of grey cloud came a heavy rain that moved like a mist in chaotic directions.

The morning was old as the coffee on my desk. I drank that coffee and started realizing that my life just like a photocopy machine. I wake up at the exact same time every day, do the same work as yesterday, meet the same people, go back to home through the same way, and fall asleep at the identical time. Tomorrow, it will be repeated over and over again. I was a walking zombie with meaningless life.

Suddenly, all of that changed when I met her. She is a rainbow over the rain. She is the river and the birds that sing a melodious tune. I feel her in the air, every breath of me recalling her in a way that sends electricity to spark my minds body and soul. She is medicine, she is light. I believe on my eye as a man that she is the most beautiful creature in the universe and her beauty doesn’t need a validation from instagram or path. But unfortunately, she is from other dimensions.

I can go anywhere with her, seeking the milkyway in the edge of Iceland, get lost to the center of earth in jomblang cave, enjoying sunrise at the santorini of Greece, eating mondhegili at night around Venice, and diving in the deep sea of Maldives.

My life changed from the first glimpse of her. She thought me to be a better person. Last week when I run out of ideas on my writing class task. She told me about becoming an idea magnet from Dee Lestari. Sometimes ideas come like lightning, in flash we are infested. Not knowing when or how. But sometimes ideas run out. We begin to think “Let’s give up”. So, it depends on your commitment. Once you prove your commitment the table will instantly turn. You will never run out of idea.
She is Steller, an apple’s best application in 2015.

Written by : Kisma

Are we a robot?

Rhancodas shamaldas chancad, the genius man from 3 idiots movie said robot is a device that is used to help human job. Fan, handphone, also zipper are robots. But Wikipedia said that robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent, usually an electromechanical machine that is guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry. From my perspective, robot contains two basic component, electrical and mechanical. The first robot which I build in the first time was a Tamiya. Then time flies, I can make a complicated one. It looks like human, so people usually call it a humanoid robot.

This complicated machine can dance and walk like human. It takes a year to build her. Designing the body, assemblying the bones, routing the blood line, programming the brain until become a robot.
After that, I build an autonomous boat for surveyor. I call it Savinna. It operates in 2 modes, Manual Mode or Autonomous Mode. In Manual Mode, it is controlled directly by operator. The Operator can see Savinna’s movement through Ground Control Station and input the commands to Savinna with Remote Controll. In Autonomous Mode, Savinna moves based on GPS coordinates, that’s been set before. The GPS coordinates are set in Ground Control Station.

The next project is very challenging. I will make a robo submarine. This sub marine can dives 100 meters in the deep sea. You can control it from the station on the ground or you can be inside it and drive it to sea underwater scenery.

So, from the description I write above we can come to the conclusion. Are we a robot?
 First, technology grows very rapidly. One of the result is human that lose himself, human declines his working’s ability. Even, human is not only represents that jobs to robot technology and auto parts industries but also being robots, parts, and  screwdrivers for capitalism industry.
Second, something that was created by the greatest to be leader on the earth. Having good behavior, treating nature as partner, protecting weak people, doing humanity value as a lord’s robot.

Which do you choose?

written by: kisma